Street Fighter 2 was a phenomenon unto itself: not quite as big as Mario, but twice as exploited. The Street Fighter 2 coin-op has already become a classic of the Nineties. It all seems a far cry from the days of the original coin-op, made famous by its gigantic, pressure-sensitive fire buttons that you literally had to pummel if you were going to make any indentation on your opponent’s energy level. Street Fighter 2: Amiga is as close to the arcade version as a 68000 with a single fire button is going to get. In case you did not already know, SF2 places you in the middle of the hottest street competition ever.
The best fighters from around the globe have been gathered to battle it out in a series of man-to-man style rucks against the clock to find out who exactly is the ‘ardest geezer on the face of the planet. Eight persons (six mail, one female and one thing) from locations as diverse Japan and Brazil come together to fight it out, and all of them make the WWF wrestlers looks like a bunch of ballet enthusiasts. Single player, you have to work your way through them all to take the title. Not that you can just walk in and take the title, of course. Once you have defeated the seven basic opponents, you have to fight the four big bosses. That is where things get really hard. In two player, the action really heats up. Needless to say, this is a very violent game. And there can be little as entertaining as knocking seven bells out of your friend. In short, Street Fighter 2 is the thumper to have.
news source: AF/AP/CU/AC / image source: GenerationAmiga / watch on Youtube / download Street fighter II Amiga, MS-DOS