Amiga Game Selector v2.2 Released: Over 6600 games for the A500 Mini

Amiga games are loved for their innovative gameplay, diverse genres, technical achievements, nostalgic value, unique art styles, challenging gameplay, revolutionary titles, and timeless appeal. Collectively, these factors have contributed to the enduring popularity and continued appreciation of Amiga games in the gaming community. The A500 Mini by Retro Games is one of the best games retro systems out there to revive your childhood or to dive into 80s and 90s nostalgia and is undeniably a machine full of retro gaming potential, but only offers 25 original built-in games. But don’t worry, Amiga Enthousiast Paul Vince released a new update of very easy to use game package for the Amiga 500 MINI with over 10GB(download) of Amiga sweetness. The installation couldn’t be easier, simply extract the contents of the zip file to the root of a FAT32 formatted USB stick and select USB in the A500 MINI menu. There is also a WinUAE package (9.4Gb) and the Raspberry Pi 4/400 release is in full development and will be announced very soon. The game package also includes many Commodore64, ZX, Amstrad and SEGA Master System games.

news source and image source: Facebook Amiga game selector / download: AGS 2.2 

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