Carmageddon: Classic mayhem hits the Amiga with full destructive force

Debuted a month ago on the Amiga platform, Carmageddon has received a new update(1.02) that boosts speed by 20%. It also resolved graphic glitches on the Workbench after closing and added AmigaOS3.2-compatible icons. Performance varies depending on the Amiga hardware. On an Amiga 4000 with a 68060 processor running at 100 MHz and a ZZ9000 graphics card, the game experiences frame rate issues. However, on an Amiga 1200 equipped with a PiStorm32 accelerator, the game runs more smoothly. You can also play the game on PC using WinUAE or THE A500 MINI. The Original game was released in 1997 for PC and game consoles. The objective of the game is straightforward: you can win a race by completing all the checkpoints for a set number of laps, eliminating your opponents, or wiping out all the pedestrians on the map. If time runs out, you lose the race. You can extend your time by running over pedestrians and crashing into your opponents. This dynamic ensures that, if you choose to ignore the race and turn it into a chaotic brawl, the clock won’t typically run out. Depending on your chosen car and the track, fighting may be just as viable a strategy as racing. However, regardless of the situation, eliminating all pedestrians is challenging. They’re scattered throughout the map and tend to move out of the way just when you’re about to hit them.

news source: / Watch gameplay on Youtube / download Carmageddon 68K

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