Doom 64, originally released for the Nintendo 64 in 1997, has been ported to the Sega Dreamcast by homebrew developer jnmartin84. This fan-made version is now considered by some as the “definitive” way to experience the game, thanks to several enhancements that make use of the Dreamcast’s hardware capabilities. The port introduces dynamic lighting and bump mapping, fully utilizing the Dreamcast’s PowerVR GPU. These features, rarely seen on the console, significantly enhance the game’s visual appeal. Players can also incorporate assets from the 2020 Steam release, including the “Lost Levels” expansion and the “Knee-Deep in the Dead” episode. This addition provides new content beyond the original N64 version. To play this version on your Dreamcast, you’ll need a legally obtained Doom 64 ROM in Z64 format. The source files and detailed build instructions are available on GitHub. Please note that this port is a fan-made project and requires some technical steps to set up.