The world of Liberation is set in the 29th century, where Earth is dying. Earth is being destroyed by commercial exploitation from large mega corporations. One mega corporation, Bio-Corp, developed a variety of high technology items for its sister corporation, Securi-Corp. Securi-Corp handles almost all law enforcement activities for the government. Since the government is concerned with other affairs, these corporations are truly in control of Earth. Your hero (the player that you control) has learned an important fact: androids sold by Bio-Corp for police security go berserk when they are exposed to magnetic interference. These berserk androids usually cause a few deaths. The corporation is covering it up by placing people into detention centers. The object of the game is to explore the detention center, rescue these political prisoners, and find enough evidence to bring the mega-corporation to justice.

In this three-dimensional environment, you can talk to people, pick up objects, give objects, shoot people, and use objects. When the player talks to a person in the game, the text of what that person says appears in the text window. Sometimes the game says what is on placed on the screen, sometimes not. But most of the time, it will bring up a response screen that has a menu your possible responses. The conversation will continue until you move away, shoot the person, or say “good bye”, or the other person decides to end the conversation. Grabbing an item is just as simple as moving your cursor in the 3-D view window or the current android window and holding down a button. The player can now move the cursor with the item into any window to be dropped, given to other people, or placed back into inventory. To shoot, swing a object, or punch in the game, you press the joypad button. The find the music very soothing and enjoyable. The sound and voice are pleasant. Gun shots ring out. Very clear sound complements the music and the game. Voice (when present) is very welcome and give some good atmosphere. Liberation is a very good adventure game for Amiga computers/console and is worth the try if you like adventure games.
news source: AF/AP/CU/AC / image source: GenerationAmiga / watch on Youtube / download Liberation