Igor Majstorovic uploaded pictures on the Apollo Facebook page showing the Vampire 1200 booting for the first time. Although in early beta, the Vampire A1200 edition is a reality and will probably turn 2019/2020 into a happy year for many people in the Amiga community. The Vampire is based on the FPGA Altera Cyclone 5, the 68080 will be running @ 93Mhz and could reach over 4,000 Million Instructions Per Second.(Dhrystones 2.1 benchmark) The new accelerator will have 512MB DDR3 (Up to 1GB / s), digital Video-out up to 720p@60Hz, dual Kickstart-flashrom, full SAGA chipset (AGA compatible) and the Vampire is CE, WEEE and RoHS compliant.
News source: Apollo Team / Image source: Flickr