Icaros Desktop is an Amiga-like operating system for the PC platform, with a full desktop environment. It’s based on AROS, a lightweight, efficient and flexible open-source operating system, aiming at being compatible with AmigaOS 3 at the API level, while improving on it in many areas. Icaros Desktop runs native AROS applications but also the original Amiga ones under emulation, transparently integrating them onto it’s desktop. The new release (version 2.2.8) offers a lot of software and several improvements. You can boot the operating system from USB and DVD without the need of installing it on your harddrive. We recommend Rufus for creating a bootable USB stick with ease. The ideal AmigaOS alternative for your old unused PC.
news source: Aminet / image source: vmwaros.com / watch on Youtube / download Icaros Desktop Live! 2.2.8 (2.3GB)