The long anticipated Warp 1260 accelerator board for Commodore Amiga 1200 computers has been delivered to several beta testers (Stephen Jones, RetroCengo,etc…). The first reactions are overwhelmingly positive and several Youtube videos are showing impressive results. The new 68060 accelerator board for Commodore Amiga 1200 computers offers easy switchable CPU clock frequency (50, 66, 75, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105MHz), will have 256 MB DDR3 on board, integrated retargetable graphics over HDMI with resolutions up to 1920×1080, Real-time analyzer, and a fast IDE-port with CF-adapter. The Warp accelerator boards series are also powerd by a 450MHZ ARM co-processor and WIFI module. The Warp 1260 will cost €499 without MC68060 CPU. The recommended CPU is a full MC68060 (not LC or EC)
news source: Amigascene.nl / image source: Amigascene.nl / more information CS-LAB