You do not actually race, instead the aim is to go through six American tourist attractions which are Challenge Florida, Challenge New York, Challenge Space Shuttle, Challenge Mountain, Challenge Arizona and finally Challenge Malibu. As soon as you load Crazy Cars you are confronted with a simple but effective title screen which is accompanied by some digitised rock music.

Now you are ready to run! Ignite that engine, release the break, hit the pedal, and try to control the car up and down ramps and bumps at 200 mph. As if that was not exciting enough your car gets upgraded every now and then. The graphics are extremely detailed for an ’80s race game release with subtle touches such as Disney World and the Statue Of Liberty but they remain firmly on the horizon. The cars themselves are nicely detailed and immediately recognisable as Porsches and Ferraris.

Crazy cars is very addictive and playable, maybe it is because the game has a hint of Out Run in it because it uses popular road cars instead of the ubiquitous formula 1 cars. Nevertheless that is as far as Crazy Cars get in similarity to Out Run. One other is that there are absolutely no crashes, all that happens is that the car jumps up a foot off the ground like it had a bad case of hiccups and you end up losing half your speed. I also think the game seems quite easy, it gives you a generous time limit. Crazy cars was neither the worst, nor the best.
news source: various sources / image source: GenerationAmiga / watch on Youtube / downlad Crazy Cars (Amiga, C64, Atari)