Wipeout, released in 1995, is a futuristic racing game developed by Liverpool Studio (formerly Psygnosis) and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. This high-octane, adrenaline-pumping game quickly became a defining title for the original Sony PlayStation console. With its combination of sleek visuals, cutting-edge electronic music, and intense gameplay, Wipeout brought a fresh and unique experience to the racing genre. Wipeout’s visuals were a striking departure from traditional racing games of its time. Set in a futuristic world, the game featured sleek, anti-gravity racing craft that hovered above the track. The environments were bold and colorful, with futuristic cityscapes and breathtaking landscapes that enhanced the sense of speed and immersion. Wipeout took full advantage of the PlayStation’s 3D capabilities, delivering smooth frame rates and crisp graphics that were impressive for the era. The futuristic design of the racing crafts and tracks gave the game a unique and stylized appearance, setting it apart from other racing titles. One of Wipeout’s most defining features was its electronic music soundtrack, curated by the influential music label, The Designers Republic. The soundtrack featured tracks from well-known artists in the electronic dance music scene, such as The Prodigy, Orbital, and The Chemical Brothers. The new unofficial remasterd edition offers several improvements giving gamers a modern, high-definition makeover of this great classic.