“Gourmet Sentai Barayaro,” also known as “Gourmet Warriors,” is a Super Famicom game released in 1995. It’s a side-scrolling beat ’em-up game that offers players the experience of controlling characters in a brawler-style game. The upcoming re-release by QUByte Interactive as part of their QUByte Classics lineup on modern platforms like PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch is great news for fans of retro games and beat ’em up enthusiasts. Gourmet Warriors, is set in a post-apocalyptic world after the world war III has devastated the planet. The game is set in Zeus Heaven Magic City, one of the few surviving major cities, where citizens struggle to find food supplies. However, the secret organization called Bath is gaining power and control over the city, including the food supply. The players’ task is to save Zeus Heaven Magic City from Bath and their demonic mutant robots. The game features three different playable characters, each with their own special abilities, as well as a groovy soundtrack, six levels of beat ’em up action, boss battles and beautiful 16-bit graphics. Gourmet Warriors will be available on August 31st for Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X
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