In 2014, A-EON Technology announced to design and produce the Tabor motherboard. The promising low-cost AmigaOne motherboard based on the NXP QorIQ P1022 PowerPC processor was very promising due its affordability and performance. Sadly enough, the project got delayed several times and necessary software updates faced serious backslashes due several broken promises. The Covid-19 crisis caused even more delay for the A1222, but things are getting worse in the very near future. The NXP Product Longevity program ensures a stable supply of products and support for a minimum of 10 or 15 years from product launch. The heart of the A1222 utilises the QorIQ P1022 processor launched in August 2011 and will no longer be supported and produced starting 2021. The P5020 processor launched in June 2010 found in the AmigaOne x5000 is no longer being supported since June 2020. The P5040 processor for the AmigaOne x5000/40 (not officially released) support and production will end in May 2022. The need for a new CPU architecture for future AmigaOS releases is more then ever obvious.
news source: NXP / image source: NXP