Full release Max Knight for AmigaOS 3.1

The polish software developer Pixelnation just released the full version of  ‘Max knight’, a fantastic good…

Use Windows 8 Start as an Amiga launcher

In Windows 8, there are a lot of things you can change to make it more beautiful.…

Little Divil: Incredible looking game for the AmigaCD32

One of the standout features of “Little Divil” is its impressive graphics and art style. The…

Flower Pot: easy way to install AmigaOS4 on Mac and PC

Looking for an easy way to install AmigaOS 4.1? AmiKit made everything as easy as possible…

Source code of HippoPlayer released

The famous HippoPlayer for AmigaOS classic is released on Github. Don’t let the basic interface fool you…

New Video Toaster software for AmigaOS classic

VT42 Is something special for all those, never had the chance to play with Newtek’s Video…

New release Snes9X for AmigaOS 4.1

Snes9x is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom emulator specially ported and optimized by HunoPPC for…

UAE-Wii: Best Commodore Amiga emulator for Nintendo Wii

Turn your Nintendo Wii into a Commodore Amiga system with the latest release of UAE-Wii (version…

Slarti Released for AmigaOS4

The video editing program Slarti is released for AmigaOS4 and is a all-in-one subtitle editing and…

VMT: Mileage and costs tracker for AmigaOS 4

Having a good record of your car usage can help you predict problems and prevent them.…

New enhanced AmigaOS 4.x release of Screengrab

Screengrab is an useful AmigaOS 4.x tool for those who need to be constantly taking screenshots,…

New enhanced Commodore Amiga release of Spear Of Destiny

The game consists of a single story-line episode, divided into 21 levels, 19 of which must…

Viva Amiga, first place iTunes Poland

The new released documentary Viva Amiga is a worldwide hit. An amazing first place in Poland…

New enhanced AmigaOS 4.x release of Postal Plus

The isometric top-down shooter Postal is released for AmigaOS4. The game is ported by Frank Menzel…

Open Arena: Epic deathmatch FPS available on AmigaOS 4.x

OpenArena’s gameplay attempts to follow Quake III Arena: score frags to win the game using a…
